Friday, 8 March 2013

Now you see it now you don't lol

Was it really too much effort to tell the crews this morning which Hotels they would be in??
Rally route book says Hotel 'Patios de Cafayate'..

Not quite sure why it was necessary to drag crews and their cars down the drive of one hotel at the end of a day to find notes stuck outside the gates telling you that you may be staying elsewhere.

Did it really take too much organising to have informed crew members last night or even this morning?? Obviously so..

As it turned out, our little hotel situated just outside the town of Cafayate proved to be very nice and with super friendly staff :)
Supper tonight is arranged for guess where - the other hotel lol
It does seem rather silly to us to settle in here and then have to unsticks and travel back to the HQ Hotel at 8pm to eat a load of dead meat burnt on a BBQ...

I heard that last nights Rally grub wasn't up to much so we are staying put for our supper. I am sure our share will be gobbled up by some gutsy peasants down there, so it wont go to waste!! Lol

There is a couple from Paraguay staying here on a business trip and such a small world as it is! They said they lived in The Cotswolds for a few years and knew Cardiff very well lol so we will stay here and dine with them :))

Wow and a wonderful electric storm in the distance as entertainment 'n

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